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which从句(Which Are the Factors That Affect a Student’s Performance in School)


Every student wants to excel in school and get good grades. However, some students perform better than others. While some attribute their success to hard work and dedication, others struggle even when they put in the same effort. Many factors affect a student’s academic performance, and it’s essential to identify them to help students perform to their full potential. This article discusses some of the factors that influence student achievement in school.

Family Support

The role of the family in a child’s education is significant. Supportive parents who take an interest in their child’s school life and academic progress create a conducive learning environment. Parents who are involved in their children’s education can help them with homework, provide emotional support, and create a home environment that promotes learning. On the other hand, children with unsupportive parents who are disengaged from their education are more likely to struggle in school.

Student’s Habits and Lifestyle

The habits and lifestyle of a student play a crucial role in their academic performance. Students who h*e good study habits, such as time management skills, regular studying, and prioritizing their assignments, often perform better than those who don’t. Similarly, students who take an interest in extracurricular activities like sports, music, or drama, can often perform better academically. It’s essential to maintain a healthy balance between academics and hobbies.

Teaching Quality

Teachers play a vital role in a student’s academic success. Teachers who are passionate and dedicated to their jobs can motivate and inspire students to learn. On the other hand, teachers who are disinterested or lack the necessary expertise can h*e a negative impact on students’ performance. Moreover, the teaching style can also affect student performance. Teachers who use interactive teaching methods and incorporate technology into their teaching often h*e a positive impact on student learning.

Socio-Economic Status

Socio-economic status or SES can also impact a student’s academic performance. Children from low-income families who may lack necessary educational resources, like books or computers, often struggle in school. Moreover, they may need to work or support their families, which can impact their time and energy for studying. On the other hand, children from affluent families often h*e access to educational resources and h*e more leisure time to study.

Mental Health and Well-being

Mental health and well-being are essential for student success. Students with mental health issues, like anxiety or depression, may struggle academically. Consequently, schools should prioritize mental health support services, including counseling and therapy, to help students manage their emotional and beh*ioral problems. Additionally, schools should aim to create a safe and inclusive learning environment that promotes well-being and reduces stress.


In conclusion, several factors affect a student’s academic performance in school. Family support, student habits and lifestyle, teaching quality, socio-economic status, and mental health and well-being all play a significant role in determining a student’s academic success. While some factors are beyond our control, such as socio-economic status, others, such as family support and student habits, can be improved with consistent effort. Therefore, it’s essential to identify and address these factors to help students reach their full potential.


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